Saturday, October 15, 2005

This article I am going to introduce to you is quite the read. I know in my life that I have always seemed to attract the "bad boys" when looking for a mate. Although I know they are the wrong ones, I always seemed to fall for them. Upon reading this article a few more things made sense to me. We are all forms of energy that can either be used with each other or be repelled from each other. I am the type of person who has over my life prided myself on the fact that most people like me. When someone doesn't, I can't understand what I may have possibly done to cause that. I get so wraqpped up in the thought and trying to figure out why or how they could possible not, that I miss the obvious.
I hope you enjoy the article. Here's to learning how to use the laws of attraction in our own best interest!

How Many of These Law of Attraction Distractions Are Affecting You?
Copyright 2005 Melissa Quiter

The universe runs based on laws. It is through the
awareness of these laws governing our universe that living
becomes more joyous and easier to manage. When you resist
the laws of the universe, it doesn’t negate the existence
of the laws, it simply makes it far more challenging to
achieve what you most want to achieve, because you are
working against the universal current instead of with it.

For example, if you are driving down the road in your car
going 75 mph, and suddenly come to a very sharp curve; it
makes no difference if you accept Newton’s First Law — “An
object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in
motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in
the same direction.” The law is true regardless of your
belief in it or not. What does make a difference to you is
your awareness, acceptance and response in relation to that
law. If you aren’t aware of the law, and you don’t leave
enough time to slow down and take the curve at a reasonable
speed, you will suffer the possible dire consequences of
your choice. If you are aware, and still resist its
validity, you will still suffer the same consequences. If,
however, you are aware and embrace the law, you then give
yourself the freedom to make a choice that can attract far
more desirable consequences — namely you go around the
curve with ease and grace completely safe to continue your

Becoming aware and embracing the laws that exist gives you
the freedom to create and manifest your life with far more
ease. Ignoring or resisting the laws of the universe leaves
you in a constant battle — struggling against the natural
flow. You put yourself into a situation where everything is
ten times (an arbitrary number of course) harder than it
has to be. And, as you may agree, the intention is to make
life easier not harder!

The Law of Attraction is one of these laws. Based on
Quantum Physics, the law states: All things, both physical
and non-physical, are made of energy. Energy by law
attracts that which is vibrating at the same speed. Thus,
if you are vibrationally tuned into “X,” you will attract
more “X” to you. If you are focused on “Y,” the universe
gives you more “Y.” There is no judgment on good or bad in
relation to what “X” or “Y” is. The universe gives you
exactly what you ask for — wanted or unwanted. And the way
the universe knows what you are asking for is through your
focus. That which you place your focus (your energy), and
thus vibrate in relation to, is what the universe reads as
your request. So, if you are resonating with the emotions
of sadness and frustration, you will attract experiences
that match that vibration. The universe doesn’t assess that
you may not want sadness; it only gives you what you are
asking for. If you are focusing on not wanting something,
your focus is actually still on that thing you don’t want.
This means you are actually vibrating more strongly with
what you don’t want than what you do want. The universe,
making no judgment, simply gives you what you are focusing

In order to use the Law of Attraction as the tool it can be
for making life easier and more joyous, you must first
identify what is keeping the law from being successful.
What I have found, working with those seeking to learn and
use the Law of Attraction, are the top three distractions
that sabotage your results and keep you from creating and
manifesting with 100% success. In essence, what keeps you
from taking the curve with ease and grace to continue on in
your travels.

The first distraction is getting caught up in what others
believe to be true or not. There are many who will argue
against the Law of Attraction. They will provide their
proof of how the law doesn’t work and why. They will
ridicule your naivety and do whatever they can to “talk you
out of” believing. My question to you is, “How does what
‘they’ think actually affect you? How does someone else’s
path and journey determine what is true for you?” There
will always be opposing ideas and truths that assist each
of us in living the life we came here to live (thank
goodness). Resisting that there are other ideas is
unproductive. But, abandoning what resonates within you out
of fear of being ridiculed or looking foolish is extremely
counterproductive to your own journey. The Law of
Attraction is based on focusing on what you want. If you
fall prey to focusing on your fear that the law doesn’t
work, that is exactly what you will experience.

However, I must mention that, if you question the validity
of this law and are attracting those who provide you an
opportunity to address that question, you must honor what
you are attracting. If you simply resist your questions and
what you are pulling toward you, you are actually focusing
on ignoring yourself instead of connecting with what is
true for you.

The key for responding to disbelievers (and not getting
distracted by them) is focusing on your own knowing (inner
source), instead of focusing on what you “know” (which is
only a small part of the total you). Your knowing will tell
you if the disbelievers you are attracting are there to
confirm your knowing, expand their own awareness with your
perspective or confirm what they already believe, which may
or may not coincide with what you believe. It is all a
perfect attraction. Everyone working on what they most
need. So, embrace the questioning of others and allow them
to believe and focus on what they most need for their
journeys, while connecting with your own knowing, which is
all that is important for your journey.

The second distraction is over emphasis on the physical
manifestation of now. Instead of choosing to focus on the
non-physical possibilities of now, where creation begins,
you put all of your focus on what you can physically see,
hear, feel, touch, etc. Note: they both occur in the now.
The second, however, being a physical manifestation, can
often become more real to you because it is experienced
with your five senses. The reason that focusing on only
your physical manifestations is a distraction is that you
don’t allow your imagination to create and nurture (with
the required focus and energy) the desires that are now
being born in the non-physical. At every moment you have
the opportunity to focus on either physical or non-physical
realities. They are both equally true. However, you cannot
experience the non-physical quite as easily as the
physical. As the Law of Attraction is solely based on
attracting that which you give the most focus to, you end
up being distracted by what is in the physical instead of
being energized and inspired by what is being born in the
non-physical. When you get distracted by only what is, and
it is not what you want, you create more of it. However,
when you embrace what physically is, while focusing on what
non-physically is, you then have more opportunity to create
what you truly desire.

The last distraction that I have found to be most prevalent
is conflicting intentions. This is a distraction that is
usually hidden from yourself, but still has the same
detrimental effects on creating and manifesting what you
most desire. Conflicting intentions are the intentions you
have that are directly or indirectly in opposition to each
other; that if brought into consciousness and articulated
would actually make the other impossible, improbable or
irrelevant. And, as I said, you are usually not aware of
the conflict, which is why it can distract you from
focusing even though you aren’t aware you are being

One of the reasons this happens is because people don’t
break their desires down into categories. For example, when
you list what you most want, you may start with desires
such as a job that utilizes all your skills, tucking your
kids in every night before they go to bed and taking a
yearly vacation with your best friends. Although each of
these desires is a part of the big picture, they each are
also goals that fall into different segments of your life.
The first is a career goal, the second a relationship goal
and the third could be a pastime, a relationship or a
financial goal. By just writing down the most immediate
desires that pop into your head, you end up missing many of
the subsequent desires and hidden desires that live in each
of these various areas of your life — what I call the Nine
Environments of Holistic Living. By not breaking your life
down into more manageable segments, you don’t give yourself
the opportunity to really flesh out what you are seeking in
each of these very real and often competing areas. It is in
the unarticulated desires that conflicting intentions are

To make this clearer, let’s consider an example. Let’s say
you have a desire to meet a mate for a long-term
relationship, while also having a deep desire to rise to
the top of your profession in the next three years. You
meet an amazing person and find that this person doesn’t
want you to work so much. He feels neglected that you are
always putting your work before him. You start to feel very
frustrated. You begin to believe that you cannot have the
success you want in a career and the success you want in a
relationship. However, the truth is that you simply did not
articulate clearly enough when you were asking and
attracting what you wanted in a mate. You may find, hidden
deep in your belief structure, that you equate being loved
with a person who heavily relies on you and needs a lot of
your attention. So, you did attract the person you were
seeking (albeit unconsciously). And, when what you asked
for showed up, you found out that that you were actually
attracting someone who would not support your desire to
rise to the top of your profession. The conflict is within
you. You didn’t articulate clearly enough (allowing your
hidden belief to come to the surface) and ended up with
only part of what you wanted.

The great thing is that by becoming aware and articulating
desires for all the areas of your life, you can identify
where there may be conflicts before manifesting what you
don’t want. The key is in being aware of what you want in
order to manifest the exact situation that will work for
you. That is why it is imperative to not only know what you
are desiring in each of the areas of your life, but to
compare each of those areas and seek out where there may be
conflicts hiding below the surface. Many times conflicts
show up because you are subconsciously holding on to old,
unchallenged beliefs from your childhood or past
experiences. By breaking down your desires and then going
through a comparison analysis (which is one of the
imperative steps in my program), you can proactively
address what you are focusing on and why. When you bring
the hidden conflicts to the surface, that are sabotaging
your results, you can remove them and truly focus on your
desired outcome.

The Law of Attraction, when understood and used properly,
can make life easier and far more joyous. Inherent in the
law is your ability to focus on what you want and not what
you don’t want. By taking care of the distractions that
keep you from focusing, you can increase your success rate
to 100%

As I always remind my clients, this is all a process. Every
day is an opportunity to become more aware and practice.
Find the tools you need to assist you and use the laws to
make your journey joyous and your travels ongoing.

Melissa Jean Quiter is an inspirational life and business
strategist with Provocative Communications. She is the
author of the 4-phase, life and business-changing program
for stomping out self-sabotage, “Being Spiritual Doesn’t
Mean Being Poor! How to remove what blocks you from making
money & creating happiness,” based on the Law of Attraction
and the three required elements (the universal laws,
Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Nine Environments of
Holistic Living). To get started, visit:
l . Melissa also teaches a simple, yet profound, daily
process for deliberately creating your life in her book,
“My cat made me a millionaire… (and how yours can too!),”
available here: .
E-mail: or call: [512] 341-0556.

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1 comment: said...

You need to create room for positive thoughts before you can manifest your desires. Naturally what occupies your mind will take shape in your life. One by one, everything that you don't want or fear will appear. You can stop this cycle by ignoring negative thoughts. Let negative thoughts come through but do not pay attention or get emotional about what it says. When you ignore it for the first time, it will reappear in another guise to catch you off-guard. Keep vigilant and avoid engaging. Slowly but surely the cycle will lose momentum and eventually stop altogether. When you remove negative thoughts from your mind, there will be more room for positive ones. By process of elimination you will fill your mind with positive and uplifting thoughts, ready to take form as your desires.