Monday, October 31, 2005

It's 6am. Your alarm has just gone off and it is time to get up for work. Do you instantly wake up ready for your day, or do you groan and moan, feel sick to your stomach, and curse all the way to the bathroom? Another 4 hour sleep night? Piles of incomplete work waiting for you on your desk at work? The thought of a hundred emails to be answered sending sharp pangs of pressure behind your eyelids?
When was the last time you had a vacation?
How many people do you know that end up in jobs not even related to the field in which they trained for? They work their fingers to the bone, bills to be paid, children to feed, no time to think about the fact that their dreams have long since been abondoned. Career burnout is becoming a wide spread epidemic in the 21st century. It is the killer that no one has time to prepare for until they are knocked off their feet and immobilized. Don't let you or one of your loved ones become a statistic. Stop the insanity before it has a chance to take a hold of you and bring you down.
The following article provides some useful tips on how to help you prepare yourself so you can avoid the pain and anguish of a career burnout that could cause irreversable damage to your health,wealth,and family.

3 Keys to Managing Career Burnout
Copyright 2005 Ann Ronan

I recently gave a presentation on this topic at an Annual
Conference of Human Resource Professionals. The room was
full! So I thought the information might be timely for
some of you.

What is burnout? What are the symptoms and causes? And if
you're experiencing it, what can you do?

The dictionary states that burnout is "exhaustion of
physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a
result of prolonged stress or frustration." I put usually
in italics because even when you love your work like I do,
you can overdo and find yourself burned out.

Symptoms of burn out can be physical, behavioral and
spiritual. Here are some signs that you're heading for burn

• fatigue
• muscle tension
• headaches
• insomnia
• not keeping commitments
• lack of effectiveness
• irritability
• anxiety
• sense of emptiness-nothing left to give
• lack of joy
• not able to laugh

Causes of burnout can come from within ourselves or from
our organizations. Some common causes are high expectations
of ourselves, denial of our basic needs like food and
sleep, poor time management skills, inability to set
boundaries or to say no.

Organizational causes can be a culture of competitiveness,
or one in which being constantly busy and overworked is
prized with email and phone calls taken along on
"vacations." Insufficient training in new job roles or
cramped, noisy environments can also contribute to burnout.

Here are 3 ways to manage burnout: change the stressful
situation, reduce your vulnerability to stress and/or
change the way you react to stress that cannot be changed:

1. Change the stressful situation if you can. If there are
some high stress aspects of your job, see if you can rotate
this task with others. Limit the number of hours you are
under stress. Spend some time on career/life planning. Set
your priorities and live by them.

2. You can reduce your vulnerability to stress by taking
care of your physical self with good nutrition, exercise
and enough sleep. Avoid nicotine and don't overdo caffeine
and alcohol. Surround yourself with supportive people, work
with a coach who will listen to you deeply and help you to
create a good balance of work and other aspects of your

3. Finally, change the way you react to stress. You can do
this by modifying your self-talk and self-criticism.
Learn techniques to calm yourself - a few deep breaths can
bring you right back to a centered place, able to face
whatever stress is in front of you. Become a self-care
expert and have some fun.

Join Ann for a weekly study group by telephone that will
“Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. Register here:
Ann helps others to acknowledge what they love to do and to
do more of it. As a Religious Science Practitioner, she
provides spiritual coaching to help others disarm their
worries, doubts and fears.

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Sunday, October 30, 2005

I got to thinking about intelligence and high IQs today. So I decided to go online and surf to see what I could find out about what others define as intelligence.
There are book smart people who seem to know everything about anything but lack in the experience department. They can pass every written test out there with flying colours, but when put to a test of common sense in every day life they fail. Make sense. Not really. But it has been proven.
Then there are people out there who struggle to get through high school exams, never get to college, but still become the smartest and most respected, well known teachers around. Why? They have common sense and learn the lessons of life with experience. Does that make them less worthy of being looked upon as a genius by society?
I have 2 teenage children. My daughter is book smart but could use some help in the common sense area at times. My son on the other hand spends hour upon hour studying only to get a b average. But yet he can do circles around his sister in the hands on department.
I had a hard time in school due to the fact I hate tests. I hated most of the subjects we had to take as well. But when allowed to research and experience what I was most interested in, I became an expert in certain areas.
What am I trying to say? Society wastes so much time in labelling things that the true meaning of what is important often gets lost. I believe we all have the potential to be genius in one thing or another. We just have to find our niche.
I have always been attracted to men who have a high iq. Throughout the relationships though I realized that it doesn't matter how smart you may be if you lack the drive and ambition to be more, or to put those smarts to the best use. There is nothing more frustrating than to know someone has such great potential and yet never lets the true intelligence be manifest. Thus, that is being stupid.
The true test of intelligence is the ability to know and use all of those powers together for a higher plane of existence. To be able to share with others your knowledge, yet know that you still can be student and teacher.
Life is one test after another. The ultimate measure of intelligence is not one that can be shown on paper. It is one that is carried and exhibited in everything we do and say each and every day. It is continual growth, the strength and courage to progress and learn as much as we can to be the best that we can. That is the only true measure of intelligence.

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Friday, October 28, 2005

"Money is the root of all evil." Where did that saying originate from? The Bible. ! Timothy 6:10. But it is true I believe.
I have briefed upon this discussion before but it is a huge concern for me. I know everyone has grandiose ideas of what they would do if they ever got rich. I am guilty as well. Lately I have been entered in some contests that are only for certain selected individuals, with the prizes ranging from $1000- a million. There are over 4000 prizes to be won. Now I know with the lottery it is a one in a million chance. This contest is more like a one in 50,000 chance. It is funny, because with the slight change in numbers all of a sudden your brain does a little virtual dance. Odds are still stacked up against you large, being the realist that I am, I still am not too excited. Yet there is that little spot in the back of your brain that I like to call "my eternal optimist" that has been on red alert for the last week. The contest closing date is scheduled for Nov. 14th and the winner will be announced on t.v. on the 24th.
I found myself absent-mindedly circling that date on my calendar with a big flourescent pen. I don't know if I truly want to be rich though. What I would like to test though is the theory that I have, that money corrupts your brain. It has the power to turn the nicest,least selfish person into a raging, selfish jerk. So, if I won that money, would I find the strength of character to stay the me I am today? I would never know, unless I won. But what could that one reward cost me?
Remember another old saying? "Can't buy me love?" Often I wonder if love and money can truly cohabitate. When you have money can you trust in the purity of love? Or is there always a thought in the back of the head disbelieving; suspicious that the money has something to do with the emotions attached to the label of love.
I have dreams of what I would do to make my life easier if I had money. But I honestly don't think I would want to win enough money so I never had to work again.
I have always worked. I had my first paper route and babysitting jobs at the age of ten. I like to make money. I would miss it I think. Sure, going on cruises, trips around the world, would all be spectacular. But when all is said and done?
I could invest and then not have to worry about losing any income over time. Secure my future in real estate.
I could go back to school and become a criminal psychologist like I always wanted. And then what?
When you don't have to work for something to better yourself and your life, but just because you can afford to, it cripples you. You lose the meaning of self sacrifice. The accomplishment isn't so sweet. It doesn't hold the same esteem. The acheivement is taken for granted.
I don't want that life. Sure, more money than I have right now would help me extremely in this present chapter of my life. Yet I also know that as I grow and progress(even baby steps), I will have a better future than my present is now because I will not be in the same place in my life then. It will be a progression, and in a way even an ascension of growth in the spiritual and soul realm.
If I could become more and more each day into the person I know I have the potential to be, that to me is where the real riches lie.
And for the last saying: "You can't take it with you."
What good are material possessions if you die and no one knew your name. Another added thought. We make light of it on t.v shows and what not, but it isn't funny. That would be, all the people lined up to hear your will. To see how rich you were and how it benefited them. Coming back to the selfish jerk aspect of it all.
To sum it all up. I would rather die penniliess, with a room full of hearts I played an important role in caring for and meaning something to, than the richest woman in the world who leaves no legacy behind but a sign on her tombstone saying "Here lies the sucker who traded the wealth of the heart for the waste of the wanton."
There is no price for self respect, dignity, pride, generosity, and the character building of some good old fashioned hard work!
So, remember, day dreams of money are healthy. But never sell your soul to the devil over something you can't take with you when you die. Like the American Express commercials say
A university education= $80,000
Your first home= $180,000
Your life fulfilling, ever changing soul= Priceless

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Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Dreams, what do they mean to you? I have often wondered why I dream certain things over again. Or have you ever had a dream where you know you have been there before but you have no idea when or where in your waking life? This may sound crazy, I know. But, knowing there is so much of the subconscious mind we have yet to tap into I am quite intrigued by the concept that everything we dream about has meaning to something in our lives.
I'll give you an idea of something I dream quite often. It is water. When my son first went to live with his father five years ago, I had a very vivid dream about a raging river where I was stuck on one side of the river and my son on the other. There was a bridge to cross over it but all the ropes and boards were broken and unravelled. So, I wandered up and down the bank calling to my son, who kept disappearing in and out of the trees. I awoke quite disturbed from the dream.
At the time, I never contributed the fact of my son's leaving to my dream. I just started thinking about water. I seemed to dream about water quite often in various states. Sometimes it was a raging river, sometimes a vast ocean with nothing around for miles, other times a little brook meandering through my back yard. I started to wonder why I seemed to always dream about water. I decided to read up on the meaning of water. This is one definition I found.
Cleansing. Life. Emotions. Ask yourself about your current feelings.
I realized then that it bore significant meaning to my life's situations.
If you are interested in finding out what certain images you dream about mean you should check out this site:

Are you a stay at home parent looking to earn some extra income? Come check out this site for cool ideas.

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Lung Cancer

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What are your thoughts on hypnosis? Have you ever been to a show where they have a hypnotist who gets an audience member to come up on stage for a test? I have never been but have always wondered if it is possible or just a trick. Apparently there are alot of skeptics out there. Thus the need for some tests.
The following article I found very informative as to how the whole mind,body and consciousness correlate to give a solid foundation to the probability of hypnosis.

Mind and Self Hypnosis: A Short Introduction
Copyright 2005 Eldon Taylor

Mind and Self Hypnosis
by Eldon Taylor, Ph.D., DAPA, Ct.H.


First, I want to suggest to you that all hypnosis is
fundamentally self hypnosis. This idea is not new from me,
for one of the real pioneers of modern hypnosis, Dr. Milton
Ericcson made this statement many years ago. The fact is,
hypnosis is based on suggestibility and you must be willing
to accept the suggestions or their is no so-called trance
state to follow. Now, that is not to say that gifted
hypnotists are not able to disarm defenses one might have,
but it is to say that YOU are the key to a successful
hypnotic session. The common fear of hypnosis, that someone
else has control over you, has no place in a self-hypnosis
session, for you are both the hypnotist and the
subject--and just to be clear, the fear is mislaid and
false to fact.

You will learn that hypnosis is a natural state that can be
objectified by brain wave activity. This special brain wave
state known as alpha and theta (we'll look at those more
closely later in this text) is not only a powerful state
for mind training, deep relaxation, accelerated learning
opportunities and so forth, but a state that most move
through several times each day. All of this and more is
covered in these programs, so let's get into some important
matters that are not discussed there.

Self Hypnosis to Condition Belief

Not long ago I was preparing a literature review of
hypnosis. One of the texts I used is written by two
scholars with impeccable credentials. The book is called
"Hypnosis, Will and Memory" (Laurence and Campbell, 1988).
It is essentially a psycho-legal history of hypnosis.
Repeatedly the text cites a time when hypnosis was believed
to be either of the devil or pure unmitigated fakery.
Finally, the scientific community investigated hypnosis.
Scientists who doubted hypnosis used a test to determine
true hypnosis from fakery. The test was largely based on
body levitation evidence. In other words, it was assumed as
a result of direct observation that a subject truly in
hypnosis could and would levitate!

Now skeptics tested for fakery and often reported finding
hidden wires and ropes and pulleys. However, these same
skeptics reported true unfaked levitation on many
occasions. Not only did they report it, the evidence was
sometimes offered in the courts. Okay, levitation was not
such an unnatural act until the laws of Newton became
popularly known. Suddenly, everyone knew that the human
body was heavier than air and could not float. Levitation
suddenly disappeared from the scene and the literature.
Prior to that, levitation was often witnessed by the most
reliable of even the skeptics in instances of hypnosis,
spiritual enlightenment and so-called demonic possession.
Indeed, levitation was one of the criteria for determining
the guilt or innocence of a witch.

It would appear that belief, individual and collective,
directly influences the physical world. Physicists have
often reported the role of the "observer" in influencing
the outcome of physical measurement and observation.
Indeed, many physicists believe that consciousness
interacts with matter. A recent study employed some
sophisticated statistical measurements to evaluate the
mind's interaction with matter. The data clearly suggested
an information exchange between mind and matter.

Belief in ourselves, abilities, powers, and the influence
over our own lives and the world around us, is at the crux
of what each and every one of us experiences in life.
Belief literally may define and delimit our every
experience. Eroding belief is doubt. Self doubt is the most
personally damaging belief we can hold.

Monkey Conditioning--Behaviorism

Regaining our inherent self-confidence, self-belief,
self-respect, and self power is relatively easy, if we're
willing to make the proper choices. The difficulty is in
the choices. Humans can behave very much like the
conditioned animal. It is for this reason that Classical
Behaviorism gained such popularity in psychological schools
of thought. Behaviorism essentially argues that the human
condition is entirely a product of nature/nurture and is
conditioned to believe, behave and otherwise execute life.
There is no such thing as a higher principle or a need for
self-actualization. The human is but a shabby animal with
higher cerebral processing mechanisms than other animals.
It behaves in habitual patterns and treatment consists
chiefly of changing the patterns. The assertion seems
simple, change behavior and you change the person. This
assertion has some very pragmatic applications and we'll
use it as we progress with the material at hand. However,
just so there is no ambiguity, the underlying hypothesis
which asserts no higher principle is as false a notion as
any one will ever encounter! In fact, it is my opinion that
only one with true cognitive dissonance and/or absolute
ignorance of the world around us would hold such a view.

Altered States Of Consciousness

For some, an altered state of consciousness is a taboo. It
portends to "mess" with the mind. The mind is not to be
messed with. I have always found this assertion naive for
the reason that every human being experiences various
states of altered consciousness daily. When the typical
person turns on the television, an altered state generally
ensues. Indeed, children become conditioned to enter an
altered state within minutes after beginning to view TV.
Studies have demonstrated that even when children are
hooked up to brain wave monitoring devices such as electro
encephalographic feedback and given substantial reward
motivation to remain in fully alert states of
consciousness, that in under five minutes they will fail to
maintain ordinary wakeful consciousness. The child will
slip into what is commonly termed alpha consciousness (more
on this in a moment). When a person day dreams, falls into
a light sleep or state of reverie, slowly wakes from a deep
sleep, or fixates on almost anything, they are almost
always in an altered state of consciousness. So what is an
altered state of consciousness?

Typically, consciousness is divided into four categories.
Normal consciousness is called "beta," lightly modified
consciousness "alpha," deep sleep "theta," and comatose
states "delta." States of consciousness are thought of in
terms of brain wave rates (cycles per second). Beta
consciousness is normally 15 to 30 cycles per second, alpha
is 8 to 14 cycles per second, theta is 4 to 8 cycles per
second and delta is less than 4. Now let's translate this
schema into something meaningful outside the realm of


In normal ordinary wakeful states of consciousness, the
mind operates from its most critical platform. It
constantly judges input from self (inner talk) and others.
It evaluates and reacts. Indeed, it chiefly reacts. For
even when one believes they are evaluating, more often than
not, the evaluation is settled before it begins. The belief
system of the unconscious not only places a lens through
which all matters will be disputed, but it also hides
behind a protective veil the information that may give rise
to mistaken decisions. That is, the unconscious mind during
normal wakeful states is operating as a software program
feeding the flow of everyday life through a mosaic of
interpretations that are written chiefly upon avoidance and
attraction principles (experienced and imagined).
Therefore, when the conscious mind says something like, "I
can do this. I'm good enough to excel and succeed," the
unconscious (subconscious if you prefer) sends some inner
talk message like, "Really, good enough for what? How
about‹? Do you remember?" etc.

Now, maybe the reason the unconscious sends the negative
message is due to some fear from the past, or some fear
projected through imagination. Perhaps the negative
feedback is due to negative input from peers, parents, and
so forth. It is also possible that the negative is due to
some deep sense of unworthiness that is the result of a
need to punish oneself. It could also be the result of some
deep belief that conflicts with our desire, such as the
desire to become successful and an inner belief that sorts
along a line of logic that goes something like this, "If I
want to be saved in Heaven, I must sacrifice here and now.
Further, money is the source of all evil." There could also
be a myriad of other reasons and a virtual labrynth of
entanglement between them all. The fact is, in ordinary
beta consciousness very little new information can really
get in. Now, "very little" in this reference is by
comparison to alpha consciousness. In fact, just as an
aside before going further, the methods of Superlearning
and Suggestopedia (Ostrander) clearly demonstrate the
advantage of learning school room information such as
language, math, science, and so forth, in alpha
consciousness states.


Alpha consciousness is the state most refer to as the
primary state experienced in hypnosis. Hypnosis has been
viewed from many perspectives and historically has held
more than one definition. However, the agreed upon
definition today is a heightened state of suggestibility.
This heightened state of suggestibility is just what the
title implies. In alpha consciousness one is particularly
prone to the acceptance of skillful suggestion. The nature
of suggestion depends on who is suggesting. A
hypnotherapist will make healthy and positive suggestions
while a sales person trained in the art of hypnotic selling
may give personally self-serving suggestions (Moine,
Lloyd). The power of suggestion and the psychology of
compliance, mentioned in further detail in the next
chapter, are used every day in mass marketing strategies to
sell everything from illness to religion (Taylor).

When one is in an alpha state, whether naturally or
artificially induced, their inner talk tends to slow down
and become image oriented and/or guided as opposed to
constantly self-initiated, albeit often unconsciously.
Since we live in a modern society we are exposed to a
variety of stimuli that our forefathers never knew. Let me
provide a couple of examples.

Much of the television, radio and print media programming
of today dwells on violence, sex and so-called taboo
issues. The word is sensationalism. The more sensational,
the better the reviews, the more money, the larger the
audience and so on. Rather systematically over the past
twenty to thirty years, the threshold of arousal has
increased in the population, forcing an ever increasing
thrust into areas of an explicit nature in order to
maintain the sensational. Consequently, our inner talk, our
fantasies, our very ideation has been influenced. This new
tolerance for vengeance, anger, fear, violence, sexuality
and so forth has tilted our society. Values have diminished
to the point that we have younger generations without the
proverbial "clue" as to what life is about. The world is
for living and taking and minimizing pain while maximizing
pleasure. Twelve-year-old children walk into school and gun
down their teachers and school mates. Drugs, child
prostitution, gang violence, drive-by shootings, and so
forth are the chief worries of parents today. How did our
society degenerate to this point?

Many psychologists and psychiatrists, sociologists and
anthropologists, and for that matter, political scientists,
have made vociferous outcries asserting the neurotic nature
of our times and are lining up in an attempt to end the
media management of arousal thresholds and value
orientation. Television has probably the single largest
impact on people today. It guides our purchases, the
information most have about their world or any single
issue/event, merchandises everything from wearing apparel,
hair style, fashion in general to wholesaling the common
cold. "It's the flu season and it's coming to your town!
Everyone will get it! You can relax and baby yourself,
pamper your whims and take some needed time off, maybe even
cement your relationships, if you have XYZ on hand." How
much sickness do you think is vended in the same way
attitudes and beliefs are sold through our media?

Some of you may want to say, "Taylor, you're nuts.
Television doesn't make anyone sick. You don't get the flu
from a TV!" Fair enough. Let's look a little deeper. When a
person is in a state of alpha, such as hypnosis, the
science and literature show us clearly, without doubt, that
the body can be suggested to health or illness. A hypnotist
can suggest a burn, place an ice cube on the arm, and a
blister will almost immediately appear. As a practicing
hypnotherapist, I personally witnessed phenomena that
illustrates the mind's control over the body to the degree
that suggesting a simple runny nose is, as Sherlock would
say, "Elementary!" But in order to tie this suggestibility
of alpha states in to the problems posed by television
viewing, we should also take a look at another area of
scientific enquiry that may surprise you.

Studies have shown that the average individual will enter
alpha brain wave states within four minutes of being
engaged by television (Taylor). If you think about it, this
should not come as any surprise. How many times have each
of us seen someone, or been that someone, who appeared so
engrossed in television that it required yelling at the
person to get their attention?

Okay, alpha consciousness and "cold season"‹I ask you
again, how much illness do you think is sold in order to
create the market that sells the cure?

It should be obvious that the state of alpha consciousness
is not only natural but can be a beneficial time to put
positive information into our bio computing brain/mind. The
essential use of alpha can also either be a matter of
choice or a matter of habituation. Recently I saw a sign in
the supermarket selling the publication: TV Guide. The sign
underneath the current issue said, "Check Out." A picture
of a television with the initials TV within it was all that
accompanied the sign. How many times have you heard or used
the phrase, "I'll watch television and check out"? Check
out, vacuum the mind, and so on; these are the terms we all
naturally think of when we think of TV. Turn our minds
over, let go of our concerns, oh‹and let someone else
program them. Why "check out"? In alpha states of
consciousness endorphin levels increase. Endorphin is the
body's natural opiate system. It feels good. Sometimes,
perhaps too good.

Before we continue with our discussion of brain states, let
me provide a visual analogy that may be helpful. If you
think of brain wave activity as the number of lines on an
inch of graph paper, then you have a visual image of mental
activity at least as we measure it with
electro-encephalographic instrumentation. Instead of
thinking of the lines on paper, think in terms of the size
of fencing. The closer the lines are to each other, the
smaller the fencing material. The smaller the fencing, the
more restrictive it is to both incoming and outgoing
"stuff;" in our analogy, let's say birds. The mind is very
much like this. The tighter the wire enclosure, the less
information (stimulus) we can process and remember. This is
why superlearning states use alpha consciousness. As the
brain wave activity slows down, the holes in our fencing
material become large and more information can get it. (See
the illustration below).

In future chapters we'll examine in more detail some of the
powers and practical applications of altered states of
consciousness. For the purposes of this chapter, our
introduction is only intended to serve as groundwork.


Theta consciousness is often associated with deep sleep and
very deep levels of hypnosis or meditation. It is generally
believed that the so-called super human feats of the many
spiritual masters, such as those reported eating hot coals,
controlling body functions, and so forth, are achieved
while in theta consciousness. Indeed, mystics tend to teach
that as the brain wave patterns slow, the vibration of the
body alters. By allegedly changing the vibration of the
body, many things thought to be impossible become possible.
The rate of vibration is seen analogically as light
vibrating at a rate much faster than

glass, therefore it passes through the glass. A stone,
however, vibrates much slower than glass, consequently
preventing it from passing through without breaking the
glass. Thus, there is an arguable inverse proportion to
brain wave activity and body vibration. As the brain wave
activity slows, the body vibration rate is said to increase.


Delta consciousness is ordinarily thought of as comatose.
For years this state of consciousness was believed to be so
turned in on itself that outside stimuli went totally
unnoticed, perhaps even unrecognized at any level of
registration. However, the work of Oliver Sacks showed the
world that even in this state of consciousness, there is
awareness. In his work with patients (see his book
Awakenings), he used massive doses of dopamine, and
literally awakened (at least for a short time) most of the
patients. Stranger than fiction, these patients reported
their various records and sensitivities to the history of
their treatment, the hospital protocol, their environment
and so forth.

This has just been a short introduction to hypnosis. The
bottom line is one that you may want to check out for
yourself. My suggestion, try it. If you still want to know
more first, then you will want to read the story in the
July 2001 issue of Scientific America. The article shatters
many common myths including those that attempt to debunk
hypnosis as either fakery, pleasing the hypnotist or
imagination. The hypnotic subject experiences a state of
consciousness that is independent from so-called ordinary
consciousness. It is not about compliance or imagination,
nor is it about placebo responsiveness, low intelligence or
the weak minded. Hypnosis is a safe state where many
wonderful insights and healings can and do take place.

Eldon Taylor is the Director of progressive Awareness
Research and the author of over 200 books, tapes, videos
and CDs,

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Yesterday we discussed what the true meaning of happiness was to each of us. Another part of our happiness is our belief system. Everyone of us has a belief system. Some of our beliefs we developed through our environment growing up. Some we developed through our own passions. Some we picked up along the way as we grew, as we learned new things, as we integrated into various other environments along the way.
But some of us don't even really give much thought into what our beliefs are unless they get challenged and then we realize when we get an anxiety attack that we have a deep belief for whatever it may be.
I was married to an atheist for 10 years. I came from a very spiritual family who lived with the pure belief in The Lord. I had come to an impasse when I was a teenager due to a few disappoints and misconceptions, thus leading me to lose my faith/belief. But it was always there way down inside me. When conversations would come up regarding my beliefs, I would change the subject to avoid the conflict that would be sure to arise. Ultimately, denying my own beliefs and not being true to what I had always lived by and believed in. I was miserable!
As we get older, and the world gets more complicated(and scary), we realize that our belief system is the only foundation we have to hold on to. The following article I found adds to my opinion with the scientific aspect thrown in for added benefit.

The Power of Beliefs
Copyright 2005 Ann Ronan

Your beliefs shape your life. How’s your life right now?
Any areas you’d like to change? If there are, you have
the key – your beliefs. Even more amazing is that it’s
really not that tough to change your beliefs. It can
happen in an instant. I know. I’ve changed lots of them.
Change your thinking, change your life. I’ve proved it
–several times over.

Now – while I’m a natural optimistic, I also have a brain
that likes science, truth, and proof. And I’m happy to
report that science is starting to find evidence for this
belief business.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, cell biologist and author of the “The
Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness”
says that we are not victims of our genes but are
co-creators of our lives and our biology. He finds his
evidence in the relatively new field of science called
epigenetics. Let me give you just a taste of this science.
Science used to think that a cell’s nucleus, which
contains the DNA, was the brain of the cell and absolutely
necessary to its functioning. Well, they’ve since found
that they can remove the nuclei from cells and yet they
continue to live and function. It turns out that the real
‘brain” of the cell is the membrane, which reacts to and
responds to outside influences, adjusting to an
ever-changing environment. This environment includes our
thoughts – what we are unconsciously telling our genes to

Ok, so what does this have to do with changing your life
for the better? Well bear with me a bit more in the
scientific realm. Our perceptions are in the subconscious
which controls 95 percent of our life. And like an
iceberg, most of this is underneath the ocean, out of our
site, out of our awareness. Our conscious mind processes a
much more limited amount of information and is busy keeping
us safe while we drive our cars, cook dinner and check our
emails. Much of what’s in your subconscious was programmed
in there during your first six years of life. And for many
of us, most of these subconscious thoughts are pretty
darned limiting.

So how to change those thoughts that are limiting? Here
are the techniques I’ve used:

Visualization – creating images of what you’d like, on
paper, in your mind, or with words
Visioning – sitting quietly and asking yourself a few
questions – letting ideas just bubble up from your inner
source, then jotting them down.
Affirmations – short, positive statements to help reprogram
your thinking
Meditation – a period of quiet –either letting your
thoughts just come and letting them go or contemplating a
quote or spiritual passage
Power questions – asking yourself a powerful question – ex.
what do I need to do to embrace this new idea?
Role models – finding someone who has already accomplished
what you want to do or has qualities you admire and then
patterning yourself after this person
Support groups/teams – you get to be heard deeply, get new
ideas and have an accountability structure to keep you
moving forward
Success! - I find it easier and easier to shift my beliefs
as I experience small successes along the way – you will

if you’d like to learn how to use these practices fully in
your life, you may want to join my weekly study group by
telephone on Tuesdays: register here: – click on join study group.

Are you a stay at home parent looking to earn some extra income? Come check out this site for cool ideas.

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Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer

Monday, October 24, 2005

Are you happy? What truly is happiness? Do you know? Some people think money will make you happy. Others, think family is what makes you happy. All of those are contributors to your happiness, but the true happiness lies within you and how you feel about yourself before all else.
50% of marriages fail within the first five years. Why is that? Sure there is lots of reasons, but what it mostly boils down to is ourselves and our expectations of others. It is acceptable now to walk away before ever getting to the root of anything. No one has to feel responsible for their own part anymore because it is acceptable to just pass it off as "incompatibility" or "someone else's fault". Yes, not acceptable morally, just socially.
Remember when divorce was a topic you never spoke about? When I was growing up, I never wanted anyone to know my parents had divorced. But now adays, it is an amazement when a child's parents are still together it seems.
Why is it that when you ask someone if they are happy, they don't know how to answer the question. Or they do, and they rattle off superficial reasons for their happiness like it is a grocery list and not a part of their personal emotional portfolio.
The following is an article that I found to be a good read. Hopefully, it will awaken in you the desire to truly know what happiness is and to help you on your way!

The Master Secret
Copyright 2005 Eldon Taylor

The Seven Fundamentals of the Master Secret:
Happiness is the Secret
(Originally published in Mind/Body/Spirit)

By Eldon Taylor

What is success? Have you ever wondered why it is that for
some, everything works, and for others, nothing works? Why
is it that two people can have essentially the same
opportunities, but one person be happy and the other one
miserable? Is it not, therefore, happiness that constitutes
the true meaning of success?

Success is happiness! Truly successful people are happy,
and when you are happy and whole in yourself, all good
things follow. Where then do happiness and wholeness come
from? How does a person who experiences frustrations in
life become whole? Can personal wholeness provide
happiness, improve self-esteem, and lead to riches and
fame, peace, balance and harmony? Can relationships with
family, friends and associates be improved because one
person assumes the responsibility to be personally whole,
takes the initiative to exude joy and happiness, seizes the
opportunity to empower his or her own life by using the
secret of the ages? The answers to all these questions lie
in the seven fundamentals of the master secret.


The first fundamental is you - the absolutely awesome and
incredible you! Not the you of self-doubt, not the you that
fears rejection or failure, not the you that questions your
abilities, but the real you! Those other "yous" are not
you. They are synthetic yous built upon limited and false
notions of who you are and what you may become. For most of
us those false notions originate as we mature. In our very
early attempts to achieve acceptance, we often trade off
our real selves. The desire to be loved is so strong that
many of us give up love or respect for ourselves in order
to obtain security. That trade-off never works, because
what we are insecure about in the first place exists within

Happiness is a state of mind. The kingdom is within. The
real you is a higher you, a higher power that resides
within you or is available to you whenever you ask or seek.
The fact is, it is your birthright to manifest the glory of
the incredible you. You absolutely have the power and
ability to experience all the bounties of life, to
experience many literal miracles in your life -- for you
yourself are a miracle, and all that you are or can ever be
is a gift!

So the first fundamental is you. The power resides within
you. No one else can do it for you. Your thoughts are
reflections of your expectations. What has been sown in
your subconscious mind is what you reap. Doubt produces
failure, fear yields anger, and belief in limitation is the
greatest of all self-fulfilling prophecies.


The second fundamental is that thoughts are things. The
thoughts we have reveal the beliefs we have about ourselves.

Listen to how we talk to ourselves. Is the language from
the inside reflecting optimism, or is it filled with
negative and self-limiting ideas?

What you expect is what you get. Science refers to this
phenomenon as the Pygmalion effect. It is a fact: if you
expect the worst, you get it. And some of us must love it,
because we keep on getting it! Oh, we may complain about
it, we may yell and scream when it happens, but what do
most of us do about it? Most of us speak and act as though
there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. After all,
isn't life full of "normal" events that produce "normal"
responses? Isn't it normal to become angry for being cut
off in five o'clock traffic? Isn't it normal to become
fearful when the boss speaks harshly? Isn't it normal to be
frustrated with a child's lack of respect or
self-responsibility? Isn't it normal to become stuck or
just fed up?

Such reactions may be normal, but are they appropriate or
conducive to happiness? Has anger ever produced a peaceful
sense of harmony within you? Has it ever solved a problem
or led to anything other than more anger, guilt, and
feelings of being out of control? Such reactions may be
normal, but another word for normal is average, which can
be defined as the best of the worst and the worst of the
best. Neither end of this definition is the highest best of
who you really are.

You are your thoughts. You manifest your thoughts, your
subconscious beliefs, in everything you experience. Do you
believe you deserve happiness, wholeness, and success? You
must truly know at all levels of your being that all good
things are yours in order for them ever to be yours. You
create your own realities. Events are not pivotal points in
your life; you are the pivotal point in your life. When
your thoughts are in agreement with your desires, your
desires will magically materialize.


The third fundamental is to forgive and let go. That idea
may be a bit startling at first, but think about it for a
minute. Do you consider yourself to be a victim? A victim
of your circumstances? Or are you willing to assume
responsibility for who you are? There are two ways to be
tied up in the world. One is to be tied, literally, by
someone else and the other is to tie yourself,
figuratively, by refusing to let go of beliefs that limit
your expression of the whole and complete being you are. In
other words, as long as you displace responsibility by
blaming someone or something for who and what you are, you
remove from yourself the power to be anything other than
partial and incomplete.

All behavior is the result of choice. Sometimes our choices
are made at an unconscious or a subconscious level. For
example, we choose to avoid conflict by repressing our true
feelings. Later our true feelings become so strong that we
can no longer suppress them, and some small incident
triggers an overkill response. That is a reactive model --
we have lost control. When we assume responsibility for
every aspect of our lives, we get in touch with our deepest
fears and feelings. The power we gain over our former,
reactive behavior, provides us with the ability to respond
appropriately to all stimuli. That is a proactive model --
we are always in control.

It has been said that the highest act of consciousness is
inhibition - inhibition of animal stimulus-response
conditioning. When we accept responsibility for our every
thought and action, we empower ourselves by performing the
highest act of consciousness: inhibiting the animal
stimulus-response reaction. But that means we no longer
have anyone to blame.

In fact, as long as we blame, we effectively eliminate our
ability to grow, to be in control, or to experience peace,
balance, and harmony. Power to grow resides in forgiveness.
Forgiving and letting go will set us free. Forgiving
everyone, including ourselves, provides the opportunity to
become more than we have been, which for many is but a mere
shadow of our real selves. And the irony of all this is
that most of us know that we are much more than we have
acted out our lives to be!


The most powerful force in the world is love. Love cancels
fear. Fear is the only obstacle that must be overcome in
order for all of our experiences to take on new dimensions
of meaning and joy. This love is not romantic love between
lovers but the unconditional love that we give our
children. We are all children in some relative stage of
development, learning how to live in joy and happiness.
When we truly understand this truth, it becomes easy to
forgive another of acts that are selfish and self-centered
-- and forgive ourselves, as well. "Above all else, respect
thyself," said Pythagoras. In order to love others, we must
first love ourselves. We cannot pour from an empty

Contemporary studies of behavioral dysfunctions ranging
from learning difficulties to criminal activity indicate
one common denominator: low self-esteem. Low self-esteem
grows out of fear of rejection -- rejection by a loved one,
an employer, a stranger, anyone who might laugh at our
efforts or who would misunderstand or disapprove. On the
other hand, high self-esteem grows out of self-acceptance.
Self-acceptance is self-love. Self-esteem comes from
self-love. We cannot love anyone unless we love ourselves.


The fifth fundamental is that acceptance is mastery. Loving
unconditionally suggests accepting others as they are.
Furthermore, loving unconditionally suggests accepting
yourself as a whole and complete being on the journey of
learning we call life.

Acceptance, love, and forgiveness are as necessarily
interrelated as each side of a triangle is to the triangle
as a whole. Acceptance is the natural process we knew as
children. When light faded into night, each of us accepted
that this just was the way it worked, and we learned to
live accordingly. As we grew older we began to manipulate
our world by means of electricity. Some things in the world
can and even should be manipulated to our benefit --
turning the dark into a bright space by flipping a light
switch may be one of them. But there are other elements in
our environment over which we have absolutely no control,
nor should we. Attempting to change other people into what
we want them to be by manipulating them is what many of us
have spent our lives doing.

The best way in which each of us can influence our
environment is in our presence of being. When we accept
other people for who and what they are, we have taken the
first step toward accepting ourselves and contributing to
the improvement of any condition or situation. Krishnamurti
once stated, "You are the world." When we reflect peace and
joy from an inner level of being, the world mirrors it back
to us. When we judge, condemn, hate, lust, and so on, the
world shows us these qualities. The world is a mirror, for
the principal function of the world is to provide us the
opportunity to learn.

What we resist we often become. What we like least in
another is almost always a reflection of something in
ourselves. When we love and accept ourselves, we love and
accept others. Each individual who comes into our lives is
a teacher. Each has something to contribute to our
learning. We in turn have something to contribute to their
learning. When viewed from this perspective, our every
transaction with another individual transcends the
limitations of manipulation.

The fifth fundamental has been called the Golden Rule.
Treat others as though they were you, and treat according
to the best you there is, and the rest just happens. What
goes out is what you get back. Just as the story in the
Bible of the prodigal son teaches us that God has already
accepted and forgiven us, so this fundamental suggests that
for many of us the least of our brothers and sisters has
been ourselves! Accepting and loving ourselves provides the
ability to accept and love others, just as accepting and
loving others provides the ability to accept and love


Martin Luther King once said, "I can never be what I ought
to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never
be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be." He
went on to say that the mutually related network of reality
is the fabric of the human condition.

The sixth fundamental, then, is interdependence, the
principle that each of us is an aspect of the whole. Each
of us invites respect or disrespect according to what we
give others, all others. Down through the ages this concept
has been given many labels, including the popular label
karma. In law it is called reciprocity. What we sow is
indeed what we reap.

Interdependence means individually assuming responsibility
for any condition that is contrary to the quality of
humanness in its highest form and then acting to produce,
out of the condition or situation, balance and harmony for
all. That is not to say that we take up causes and then
shove them down someone else's throat. It is to say that we
can work in harmony through example and right action to
produce an environment that is loving and nurturing for all.

Many people operate in a codependent manner. Their method
of assuming responsibility is to manipulate others by
placing blame, finding fault, or assuming a contractual
posture that goes like this: "If I do this, will you...?"
or, "If you loved me, you would..." or, "Don't you feel
sorry that I feel..." or, "You need me to...," and so on.
Codependence is manipulating another person to provide you
with security, sensation, and power. If someone else cannot
live or function without you, then your self-worth has been
validated -- and vice versa. A codependent is a victim, a
victim both of his or her surroundings and of other people.
The need to control another person is a classic symptom of
codependency. Codependency grows out of insecurity. All
insecurities are externally oriented. The codependent sees
stimuli through the lens of expectation. Expectation is a
contract that goes like this: "I will behave this way, if
you behave this way;" or, "If you behave that way, I will
behave that way." The fear of unfulfilled expectations
gives rise to internal conflict.

Happiness is a state of being. It exists moment to moment
in the eternal now. If happiness doesn't exist, conflict
takes its place -- even if the conflict is only the
difference between what we think we should be experiencing
and we are experiencing. In other words, when we have what
we desire, we experience joy. Furthermore, when what we
experience is unconditional, as opposed to contractual,
then we experience only joy.

Insecurity fuels fear, and fear is a very creative force.
What we fear most is therefore very often what we create as
our experience. Instead of accepting what is, we project
what might be or lament what might have been. We are
responsible only for ourselves individually. We must be
whole before any event in our lives will be. Therefore,
true interdependence assumes the role of "fixing" oneself.


The seventh fundamental is the culmination of all the
fundamentals of success. That culminating principle is
this: Do it now. This is a world of action, not
procrastination. For anything to change, you must do the
changing. Nothing happens until you make it happen! Only
you can do it for you.

If the world was a world of theory, then none of us would
be here. Nothing in this world stands still or waits. No
action is inaction and all inaction is action. The form and
the function are the same. Live with the awareness that
God's presence exists in all!

Eldon Taylor, Ph.D. is the author of over 200 books and
self help programs ( ). He is
currently Director of Progressive Awareness Research and he
received the 2005 International Peace Prize awarded by the
United Cultural Convention sitting in the United States for
his work in forgiveness and acceptance. He is a Diplomat
in the American Psychotherapy Association and has been
honored in over a dozen Who's Who publications.

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Do you remember when you were a child going to an amusement park? You inhaled all the sights and smells to hold on to so you could tell your friends all about it when you got home. You memorized all the sounds, colours, games, and rides so you could explain it in full vivid detail to make them feel like they had been there with you. You expressed yourself with arm movements and whole body contortions as you elaborated on the thrill of the experience.
Now you are grown. Can you even remember the last time you did anything special that you carried the joy around with you for days? One where you could say "This was the greatest day of my life!". No, maybe not. I know I can't.
I have had some fond memories, ones where I remembered what happened with a small amount of pleasure. Yet, none I could honestly describe to you vividly like it was a changing moment in my life. That is sad, now that I think about it. I had all 3 of my brothers and my baby sister get married in the last year and a half. I have a shoe box full of pictures. It was a good time. But somehow over the years, my brain has grown out of the habit of absorbing my experiences and making them part of my personal and pyschological growth.Somewhere along the lines, I forgot to care.
I miss those days of yore. A part of me has withered away. I need to reunite with my inner self. To learn to enjoy the little things in life and not take for granted what I can never experience the same way again.
Read the following article and get in touch with your inner child again today, so that you can remember what the true meaning of life really is and can once again enjoy the simple pleasures to create lasting memories to treasure.

Creating Magical Moments
Copyright 2005 Debbie Friedman

In my life as a biologist, I studied hummingbird behavior.
In fact, my master’s thesis was on hummingbirds, and I
videotaped and analyzed the data on more than 13,000
feedings! Best yet, my experimental design was so
successful that it ended up attracting more than 500
feedings per hour during the peak periods of the study.

I love hummingbirds – their magical movements, their speed,
and their sense of humor! (You have to BE with them for a
while to catch on to that one, I think.) In the last few
weeks there’s been a lot of hummingbirds as the migratory
visitors are in to breed, and I had the chance to watch
them often from the balcony area where I meditate. I began
to miss them, remembering how fun and exciting it was to
watch them up close. So I took action.

I put out two feeders with my special recipe (the secret is
at the end of this article) and they began to come in
droves, fighting, playing, what I think of as “singing”,
and generally just amusing me as I watched. When I was
doing my thesis research, they used to dive down and play
with my hair or even peck on my red toenail polish. So
far, several of them have been coming to “visit” by
hovering about six inches from my face to check me out.

It’s been fun, it’s been delightful, it’s been downright
entertaining. In fact, it’s been magical watching all the
birds that have been drawn to my home. (Don’t even get me
started on the Hooded Orioles!). It’s taken me back to a
time that was magical and playful.

I realized the importance of remembering what has given us
joy in the past and finding ways to relish the simple
pleasures in our daily life. So often, we may pass up the
opportunity to create good feelings for ourselves and
others because we get caught up in the busyness of life and

So my question to you is this: Is there something you
would enjoy doing that you have been putting off?

Better yet, ask yourself this: What is one thing I can do
TODAY to feel good and create joy in the world for myself
or others?

It may be simple. It may be inexpensive. It doesn’t have
to take a great deal of time. But it can create magical
moments and an incredible feeling of joy inside you that
will move through your life to attract even more.

We know that what we focus on expands, and when we create
excitement, fun, laughter, and delight we are sure to
experience even more. Most of us have gotten pretty good
at doing the “have to’s” in life, but some of us have
forgotten the importance of the “love to’s” as well.

Give yourself the gift, starting today, to open yourself up
to the childlike joys of being alive! Give yourself the
gift of magical moments! Allow yourself to experience the
feelings of joy, laughter, play, and ecstatic excitement!
As you do, you will be creating an irresistible energy
field that will naturally attract to you incredibly
wonderful moments that will delight you!

We are here to enjoy this amazing playground of life in a
way that is full and fulfilled with all of our heart’s
desires. Life is meant to be magical, to excite and
delight us! There is a limitless supply for us all if we
only open ourselves to receive.

Begin to take actions today that will bring more love, joy,
laughter, freedom, and just “feeling great” into your life.
The pay off will be tremendous as you experience more of
the magic in your life, knowing that you can create it at
any moment.

And remember, YOU deserve it!

Debbie Friedman, M.S., C.Ht., is the Manifesting Maven who
helps people consciously create the life they love to live.
She is the creator of the popular Cleaning Out the Closet
of Your Mind for Wealth series.

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Saturday, October 22, 2005

You may find on this site that the conversation topics vary from day to day and may not maintain any consistent pattern. That is the way I like it. My mind flits from various ideas and conception as the input I receive from numerous sources is filed into my conscious and subconscious mind. It is part of our unique abilities as humans.
I like to watch t.v. I watch it for entertainment value as well as educational consumption. I like it because it gets my creative juices flowing. It allows me to expand my mind and imagination, to be able to branch off into so many different avenues of awareness.
Today, I chanced upon a show on the family channel. I write children's stories so I do tune in to keep abreast of the current attitudes and interests of the younger generation. This movie was about a group of teenagers who were having a hard time getting into the music industry due the the fact their own group had no flair. One of the lads was a science buff who enjoyed dabbling in the art of artificial intelligence. Now, being the day and age it is today, that meant a holigram. Any Star Trek buffs out there know that that is a creation of artificial intelligence with the concept of energy and not mass.
Now, through this holigrams design who was perfect in every way, the young man learned that sometimes to be imperfect but real was more important than to be perfect and only surreal.
Simple concept. Yet we as humans, tend to totally miss the obvious sometimes in our quest to be perfect or skip over the mistakes. The end result of the movie was the young man realized that the true girl of his "dreams" was his best friend who had always been there. Although this holigram had learned to grow and develop on her own, formed a consciousness of herself, she couldn't feel and in the end chose not to exist even in her "perfect" state if she could never fully "be".
This article came across my path today and I thought that although it is a little more scientific than I was thinking, it held the same kind of idea I was pondering. I hope it helps you to expand your mind and enjoy the opportunity to branch out yet again on another avenue of consciousness.

Consciousness: Mind and Machine
Copyright 2005 Eldon Taylor

A popular idea now-a-days is the notion of the ghost in the
machine. From scientific articles to entertainment, this
reference is to the idea of consciousness. Once again, the
study of consciousness is occupying the minds of science
and science fiction.

Just after the turn of the century, science basically
abandoned the study of consciousness per se' on the grounds
that it was too ambiguous and non-quantifiable. However,
the development of artificial intelligence, so-called
thinking computers, interactive virtual reality
environments and non-local action, or action at a distance,
has placed the study of consciousness in the fore front of
many minds.

What is consciousness? This issue is devoted to some of the
intrigue involved in efforts to create "thinking machines"
modeled after man, minus of course, his limitations.


Language is often thought to be the tool of consciousness
and evidence for the kind of consciousness that makes man
different from monkeys. Indeed, language has often been
referred to as the "jewel of cognition." Some scientists
have argued that Neanderthal man possessed advanced talking
ability. This assertion is largely based upon a neck bone
found in 1988 (SN: 4/24/93, p.262). Other scientists argue
for a more recent origin to speech. Recent in this sense is
between 50 and 100 thousand years ago. By contrast, early
origin theorists date the beginning of language at over 2
million years ago.

The evolution and history of language has a bearing on
certain philosophical issues where consciousness is
concerned. For example, take any date for the first
appearance of language. Let's for fun just assume some
hairy bi-pedal creature that has never spoken. Is this
creature conscious? Conscious in the sense of man? Now one
day the creature utters some meaningful form of speech. Not
a grunt or guttural sound like all animals, but some form,
beginning, of speech. Is the animal now conscious?

What is the difference between the consciousness of animals
and man? What is intended by distinguishing between the two
conscious forms as different and why? If a primate species
shows the ability to learn, remember and associate
learnings, some insist this is evidence for reason. Most
flatly refuse to recognize it as such. Is it possible that
by recognizing the field of consciousness as one worthy and
ripe for study, that mans' consciousness will lose its
unique elevated status? What precisely is it that one means
by consciousness anyway?

Certainly reason preceded language. It would be rather odd
if it were the other way around. Still, that's an
interesting thought.

Some seem to reason only with the tools of their language.
In other words, their reason is limited by the rules and
definitions of their language. Plus, there is some argument
in favor of certain language structure as having greater or
lesser faculties for developing logical thinking. Literal
languages, for example, such as German, tend to encourage
the development of logical thinkers. However intriguing all
this may be, it still stands to reason that reason preceded
the conceptualization and development of speech. As such,
one is hard pressed to limit the consciousness of a species
on the basis of sound patterns called speech.

Oh, and it gets still tougher. For there are sound patterns
that resemble speech uttered by so-called non-conscious
animals such as whales and dolphins. So, what is

Is consciousness a matter of wakefulness? No, it can't be
just that for one can be a conscious being and still be
asleep. Is consciousness memory? Well, according to the
experiments of Cleve Baxter, plants exhibit memory. Where
science abandoned the study of consciousness years ago, the
problems inherent to describing consciousness have
proliferated during the absence. The advent of animal
studies, plant studies and synthetic or artificial
intelligence have greatly complicated the matters of
consciousness. Or perhaps, in the alternative, simplified


For most people, parts of the left brain handle the affairs
of language. Brain hemispheric studies including the now
popular Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans show that
the right ear sends acoustic information to the left
hemisphere. Well, according to Marc Hauser of Harvard
University and Karin Andersson of Radcliff College in
Cambridge, rhesus monkeys "display a similar cerebral
setup, with the left half of the brain often taking
responsibility for vocalizations intended to signal
aggression" (SN: 5/21/94, p333). If this is true, does this
mean that the anatomical evidence for language processing
is evidence for consciousness in the sense that we normally
think of mankind's consciousness. If not, what are the


For many, mind equals brain. Mind is a more general terms
that refers to the processes handled by brain. Therefore,
mind is often an interchangeable term with consciousness.
Is mind equal to brain? The chief area of enquiry offering
evidence one way or another to this question is a
discipline often held in poor regard. Still, literally
thousands of laboratory experiments in scientific
parapsychology demonstrate that there are many aspects of
mind that can not be reduced to anatomical or material

For example, data clearly supports the "reality" of
telepathy, clairvoyance and psychokinesis. This seems
obvious to this commentator, but then the biographies of
some of the world's most respected people provide a richer
picture than that found in science. However, the point is
simple. Whether it is from the genius of Einstein or the
laboratory of a modern parapsychologist, mind is not equal
to brain! What does this mean with respect to consciousness?

A wonderful Star Trek adventure that I can remember had the
Enterprise actually forming its own consciousness and then
creating a new life form. Somehow, as Mr. Data explained,
the activity of the starship's computers and records began
to take on a "more than the sum of the parts" activity,
form its own neural network and so forth. Will machines
ever become conscious?


This was the headline in a recent Science News publication:
Simulated Creatures Evolve and Learn. The article by
Richard Lipkin went on to cite the work of Karl Sims of
Thinking Machines in Cambridge, Mass., who "devised a
simulated evolutionary system in which virtual creatures
compete for resources in a three-dimensional arena...The
creatures, resembling toy-block robots, enter one-on-one
contests in which they vie for control of a desired
object---an extra cube. Winners---deemed more
fit---reproduce, while losers bear no offspring. Sims
endows the virtual environment with physical parameters,
such as gravity and friction, and restricts behaviors to
plausible physical actions" (SN: 7/23/94, p63). Sims
believes that it may be easier to evolve virtual entities
with intelligent behavior than to create them from scratch.
Artificial intelligence researchers have long sought to
develop the so-called thinking machine. Unlike Sims, most
begin by attempting to model the computer after the
patterns of man. For some, this is the neural model of the
brain while for others it is the deductive/inductive model
of reason. Perhaps Sims' method is more man-like than the
other two. Mankind is thought to have evolved. Does this
help us understand consciousness? Oh, and what about the
collective of consciousness? Will machines soon be
contributing to this field of consciousness? Will a machine
ever dream?


The "Genius Hypothesis" advanced by Ervin Laszlo and
reported in the Journal of Scientific Exploration (Vol.8,
No.2, pp257-267, 1994), asserts that the minds "of
unusually creative people are in spontaneous, direct,
though usually not conscious, interaction with other minds
in the creative process itself." Laszlo's paper sheds light
on the "archetypal experience" described by Carl Jung while
using history, physics, psychology, artistic production and
cultural development to clearly suggest the strong
possibility (in this commentators opinion, the only real
possibility) that not only do minds communicate, but they
do so at a distance as well!

Is the collective, or the shared consciousness experience,
an independent consciousness? Is it possible that unique
(individual) conscious entities participate as
transceivers, sending and receiving, and that the total of
consciousness is this collective? Does the collective have
a plan, a will, does it dream? Or is it just a repository?
Does it have a neural network or some analogous something
that we might refer to as a non-spatial field? I mean, its
not organic or silicone is it?


Perhaps consciousness is something that has to do with
being conscious of consciousness. I mean, are monkeys truly
conscious of being conscious? Could they even entertain the
idea of consciousness without an object? Or consciousness
as a character in someone else's dream? Does a monkey ask
itself if it really exists?

Is that a fair direction to take our questions regarding
consciousness? After all, are we not likely to be forced to
admit the notion of "devolution" if we do? Are there not
all together too many homo sapien sapiens on the planet
that don't give the proverbial "hoot" about who they are or
where they came from. How many of these people ask the
question, "Do I really exist?" Will silicone ask the
question, "Who am I?" If the Japanese have their way, the
answer is---probably! A "Darwin Machine" is being created
by researchers at ATR laboratories in Kyoto, Japan. The
artificial brain which uses an evolving neural network is
due to be completed by 2001. Hugo de Garis, an ATR
scientist, says the purpose is to produce a silicone brain
with more than 1 billion artificial neurons.

Science News says the machine "will come in the form of a
neural network and will exist within a massively parallel
computer. To create such a complex system, the researchers
will have the network build itself. 'Cellular automata,'
each one a distinct computer program, will actually forge
their own linkages."

This approach, called "evolutionary engineering," provides
for the growth of the silicone brain via connections. "The
neural net grows when cellular automata send 'growth
signals' to each other, then connect via synapses."

(And you thought genetic engineering was something to
wonder about).


Defining consciousness turns out to be a process somewhat
a-kin to searching for the core of an onion. As we enter
the new year, and perhaps entertain thoughts of the
upcoming turn of the century, revisiting consciousness is
more than a philosophical exercise or a scientific enquiry.
It is a duty, even a moral imperative, to re-evaluate the
nature of consciousness for this inherently devises the
strategy by which mankind treats itself and all life. For
me, and I suspect for many others, many changes are seen as
necessary for the human race to actualize the highest of
its potentials. As in history, most certainly some of these
changes will be brought about by difficult times. I am
reminded of something Martin Luther King said, "I can never
be what I ought to be, until you are what you ought to be."
King went on to point out that it was precisely the
inter-related fabric of life that each of us was
interdependent upon.

Perhaps, it is the inter-related nature of all life,
consciousness itself, that we are interdependent upon.
Perhaps, just perhaps, mankind will only know his highest
most noble self when he offers the deepest of respect for
all life. Perhaps the invigorated enthusiasm searching for
a firm hold on this stuff called consciousness will
eventually give rise to the respect I speak of.

Thank you and BE WELL & HAPPY!

Eldon Taylor is director of Progressive Awareness Research
and the author of over 200 books and tapes

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Friday, October 21, 2005

One show that is popular on t.v. today is called Mindfreak. The main character is a man named Chris who dabbles in the thrills of mind control. If you have never seen the show you should try to one day. The things that he does is quite mind boggling. One episode, he lifted a semi truck with the power of his mind in conjunction with his body. I thought it was a little outrageous at the time. I was watching purely for entertainment value. But it got me thinking. We really haven't explored the possibilities of our mind power. It is a common fact that we only use 20% of our brain, so doesn't it stand to reason that a few of us out there may have learned to harness the power of some of the other 80% not well known?
This same man has stretched the limits of human capacity time and time again, coming out victorious, and amazing the masses who gather around him. We are all transfixed with the idea that one can do such "miraculous" things in reality, while our minds are still trying to grasp the concept.
Throughout the ages though there has been documentation of "special" individuals who have risen above the average guy and challenged what we believe to be normal or even conceivable. They have become heros for numerous reasons. Whether it be to give us hope that we are a superior species with so much more potential than we have believed, to give us faith that we have so much more to strive for, or to just plain make us open our minds to the possibilities.
The following is an interesting article to challenge your thinking and allow you to open up to the possibilities that are within your own reach.

Your MIND and Its SUPER-Powers Hidden Within
Copyright 2005 The IWE, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The human mind is an Infinite wonder.

It has the power to transmute your Inner desires into their
physical counterparts once focused.

What the mind can conceive, You can achieve, just as long
as you have the inner Belief and Will Power to back it.

For example, take the case of where cancer patients were
given 'Placebo Pills'.

These pills were just plain old pills that have absolutely
NO healing capabilities what-so-ever.

So what, how did they get well?

The healing power came from their thoughts.

They were told that these pills contained the highest
amounts of cancer-fighting ingredients which can
effectively cure them in just a matter of months.

So the point here is, they naturally assumed in their mind
that if they took this pill it would make them better and
that their health will be restored.

Do you see how powerful your mind can be?

They simply registered it in their minds that these pills
would cure them of their illnesses and in the process, the
belief embedded within their subconscious mind became a

This is just one example of the SUPER-Powers hidden within
your mind.

So... now that I have your attention your probably asking
yourself this question, "How can I use my mind to achieve
my dreams?

Well, one of the most effective ways is to use the "as if"

And what I mean by that is, act "as if" YOU are the person
you want to be.

Act "as if" You are already possess whatever it is you have
longed for.

Simply put, Think, Act and Feel like you've already
accomplished what you have dreamed about all your life.

This principle is a very Powerful principle if you simply

And you'll be much closer to your goal if you're constantly
intact with your objective(s).

It's okay to be obsessed with your dreams.

It doesn't mean that if you want to be Superman you'll be
able to fly out of a window and into outer space.

That would be Crazy!

I'm simply saying, "Do what needs to be done".

Take ACTION on your dreams.

Let your visions Encourage and Motivate you.

The problem with people in todays world is that they are
too pre-occupied with Worries, Anxieties and Negative

As a result of this, people are adversely affecting their
state of health.

White lies unfortunately have become prevalent nowadays in
order to ease the burdens or to persuade others to do
things that they thought are unattainable.

A famous person once said, "Whenever you think you can or
you can't, you're right!"

If you think you are poor, then you are; unless you
properly condition your thoughts to a 'Positive Mindset'.

I know it's hard to think "Rich" if your environment is not
conducive to such way of thinking.

Use your imagination and 'Visualize' in your head that your
house is a mansion and your old car is a Porsche,...

Well, I think you get the picture.

There is absolutely NO limit to what the mind can achieve
but You have to combine Belief, Will Power, and ACTION with
positive thinking in order to achieve your inner desires.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

This is a site for issues having to do with life and love. One of the issues that often pop up these days in our lifestyles is various forms of behaviour and chemical imbalances in our bodies. With all the availability of modern medicine these days, numerous "new" diseases and imbalances are finally coming into the light. In the old days someone suffering from manic depression or schizophrenia would have been classified as a witch or devil and been cast out or burned at the stake. Thankfully, we have come a long way from then. We now have a chance to find help for our loved ones instead of osterizing them to some deep dark place to live out their existence in misery and loneliness.
But we still don't know all the facts about mental illness. It will be a long hard fight to find the solutions we so desire. With modern medicine the way it is advancing though it hopefully won't be too long. The following is an article for ADHD and what may be used as a natural remedy.

A natural remedy for ADHD is omega 3 - or is it?
Copyright 2005 David McEvoy

Is Omega 3 a natural remedy for ADHD? The simple answer is
no. Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid that is absolutely
vital for adults, hence the word ‘essential’ - for children
of birth age until age two, it is even more important that
they receive enough of the Omega 3 fatty acid DHA for the
healthy construction of the brain. Beyond two years, they
need EPA for the healthy function of the brain.

So why is it not a remedy? It is not a remedy for the
simple reason that it should already be included in the
diet, and not simply as an afterthought to add it to the
diet because the child or adult has ADHD.

Does this mean that if you give a person with ADHD
high-strength pharmaceutical grade fish oil in addition to
a poor diet, they will not feel any effects? The answer has
to be yes, of course they will feel the effects. If you
starve anyone for long enough of vital nutrients then the
body will react in certain ways – if you then replace those
nutrients, the body will return in time to its correct

What is ADHD? A good definition is as follows:

A common developmental and behavioural disorder, it is
characterised by poor concentration, distractibility,
hyperactivity, and impulsiveness that are inappropriate for
the child's age. Children and adults with ADHD are easily
distracted by sights and sounds in their environment,
cannot concentrate for long periods of time, are restless
and impulsive, or have a tendency to daydream and be slow
to complete tasks.

Fish oil supplementation

With current research revealing that Omega 3 fatty acid
deficiencies may be a factor affecting learning
difficulties, authorities in Durham, England, initiated a
programme to see if it was possible that an improved diet
would lead to improvements in the classroom. But
overturning the high-carbohydrate, heavily-processed diets
that children typically consume was going to be a momentous
task. So they decided to see if fatty acids in the form of
a fish oil supplement could be of any use.

This was the largest and most extensive trial looking at
Omega 3 fatty acids and learning conditions to be carried
out within the United Kingdom.

This trial involved more than 100 children at 12 primary
schools in the Durham area. The trial looked at dyspraxia
and motor skills, but also assessed for dyslexia and ADHD.

Trial results

At the start of the trial, the percentage of children
within the clinical range of an ADHD diagnosis was set at
32% for the fish oil group and 31% for the placebo group.

After 3 months of omega 3 fish oil supplementation, the
percentage of children within the clinical range of an ADHD
diagnosis reduced to 18% for the fatty acid group, whereas
this only dropped 1 % for the placebo group.

A raw score was calculated from the teacher rating form
that assessed each child's behaviour. After 3 months there
was a highly significant reduction seen in the fish oil
supplement group, compared to those on placebo, in this
behavioural score. The fatty acid group reduced from an
average score of 74.7 to 58.1., whereas the before and
after treatment scores for the placebo group were 69.5 and

The active fish oil group also saw significantly reduced
teacher ratings on the Conners’ DSM ADHD global scale after
3 months, compared with the placebo group. The placebo
group saw similar improvements on this scale after crossing
over to the active fish oils for the 3-6 month period of
the trial.

Within 3 months children on the active supplement saw a
significant reduction on the rating scale of
Hyperactive-Impulsive behaviour, compared to those on
placebo. Further reductions were seen in the 3-6 month
period of the study.

Dramatic results were also seen within just 3 months of the
dyspraxia trial. The active group supplementing with Omega
3 fish oil saw significant improvements in reading (9.5
months), spelling (6.5 months) and behaviour, compared to
the placebo group where no overall improvement was made.

During the 3-6 month period when the placebo group crossed
over to Omega 3 fish oil supplementation, considerable
improvements were shown in the same areas, with an average
reading gain of 13.5 months and an average spelling gain at
over 6 months. The active group continuing supplementation
displayed further signs of progress or maintained their

At the start of the trial, children were a year behind
their chronological age for reading and spelling, but after
the trial, the active group who had been on Omega 3 fish
oil throughout the trial made spelling and reading gains
over and above their age.

An alternative view

On the face of things these results look fairly conclusive.
However, when you take into account that by their own
admission they had a real battle with the children (and in
some cases parents) to change their eating habits then the
results - to a qualified dietician and anyone who knows
what a balanced diet is – swing. Far from seeming to show
that fish oil cures ADHD and dyspraxia, it rather appears
to demonstrate the need for a very balanced diet, with all
these nutritional components included in the first place.

What would be far more interesting than turning a lot of
unruly children’s diets into the correct balance and then
claiming that fish oil helps with ADHD, would be to take a
lot of children who eat a very balanced Mediterranean style
diet, which is already very balanced, and perform a trial
with those children to see if it actually improves their
reading or spelling ability.


Not all the children involved in the trial showed great
gains in behaviour, spelling and reading, and those
children that did show great gains were in my opinion
children who were very badly deficient in Omega 3 already
through a very poor diet.

The correct approach is not to supplement children with
fish oil, but to drastically improve the child’s eating
habits, following the example of a Mediterranean diet which
includes oily fish, and trying to cut out all additives and
preservatives and the wrong kinds of “bad fats”.
As most parents will know this is almost an impossibility,
but changing a few little things about the diet will make a
difference. As for the fish oil capsules, if you really
can’t get your child to eat oily fish then as this trial
proves, supplementing with a high quality fish oil
supplement is highly advisable so that your child can get
the correct amount of Omega 3 in their diet.

Dave mcevoy is an award winning personal trainer with over
20 years experience; he also runs a high quality health
supplement website.

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