Friday, October 14, 2005

Listening to your intuition and learning to trust yourself is the only means to happiness within. I have countless times again been put to a test of trusting my intuition, and everytime I have second guessed myself, I have paid for it in one way or another. Some habits are hard to break. Sometimes you may second guess yourself due to the opinion of others, to make yourself look good in the eyes of someone else. Sometimes it is to choose the "easy way". Other times it is due to fear. But, each time you go against your natural instinct you damage apart of your psyche as a whole. It may not seem overt at the time, but through time you will begin to notice the effects it has in all faucets of your life. You can't truly be one with yourself and be content from within, unless you believe in yourself and follow your intuition as it guides you.
I enjoyed this article I read today as I am sure you will as well.

Simplify Your Life, Revealing 5 proven Ways to own your Life
Copyright 2005 Flaming Life Coaching INC.

Do you own your life or does it own you?

If you're struggling with your life, this could be an
indication that you're making your life much too difficult
than it needs to be.

You're here to live a life of joy and abundance. To
experience a rich inner life of recognition and inspiration
which should translate into your outer world.

If this is not the case, you can redirect the course of
your life by following these 5 proven ways.

1. Live fully in the present. Simplify your life by living
consciously in the moment. The present has so much to offer
you. It is in the present that you can lay the foundation
for the rewards of your dreams in the future, not in the
past. To do this, bestir yourself sufficiently in the right
way by taking one step at a time .

To live fully in the present, you need to experience every
minute of your life inwardly and not just outwardly. This
means, grasping aright deeply within yourself the
experience of the moment before moving on. This safeguards
against taking on too much at any time and getting
overwhelmed. Which often develops into struggle.

2. Do what comes naturally to you. Get into the habit of
first doing what comes naturally to you and polishing it
up. When you do this often enough, in time you'll find that
you're able to handle other difficult matters with lesser

This is because your becoming disciplined and adept in one
area of your life, equipes you with the necessary tools to
tackle other challenging areas more effectively. The result
is greater competence and deeper satisfaction.

3. Have a heart full of joy and appreciation. A joyful and
appreciating heart has no room for fear. Fear is always an
indication of a sense of lack. This could be conscious or

I have observed that people whose hearts surge with joy of
deep appreciation and gratitude feel only love. Even in the
face of grave calamity, as in the case of bereavement,
there are always things you could be grateful for. Like
taking comfort in knowing that you are never alone.
Something I was vividly reminded of when I suddenly lost my
own mother.

4. Move with ease into any change as a natural happening.
Life IS. Meaning, it is in constant motion. To own your
life, you need to accept this fact. Trying to evade or to
negate changes is the least smart way of becoming masterful
at the game of life.

A question for you. Can you stop the sun from shinning
after a raging storm or stop the dawn of a new day breaking
in at the end of the night? Right. You can see how
ludricous my question is. This is to underline the
foolishness of wanting to control the cycle of changes in
your life at any time. It simply is impossible and only
results in more struggles. The wisest thing to do is to
stay open for changes and deal with them when they appear.
Remember the expression never to go looking for trouble, it
will find you? So just be in the NOW.

5. Trust and follow your intuition to the letter. Residing
within you is a wealth of knowledge. The key to unlocking
this treasure is your intuitive power. People who have
learned to access their intuition before making any
decision live in harmony with their environment.

My own life completely changed from second guessing myself
when I truly began to listen to my intuition. I now have a
sense of profound joy and clarity as I remain congruent
with my values. The more you learn to trust and follow your
intuition, the more control you'll have over your life.

What you thereby gain are strong emotional balance, mental
and psychic alertness to guide you to a life of bliss and

As you can see, you don't have to become enslaved to your
life. For life is meant to be simple, provided you become
aware of what is wrong and change it.

Kunbi Korostensky, N.D., Psychotherapist and Certified Life
Coach is specialised in supporting people in transition,
turn the changes in their lives into invigorating joy and
happiness. View her ebooklet Top 10 holistic Questions to
Embrace Change and Grow at:
e-Changes.html or: mailto:

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