Sunday, October 30, 2005

I got to thinking about intelligence and high IQs today. So I decided to go online and surf to see what I could find out about what others define as intelligence.
There are book smart people who seem to know everything about anything but lack in the experience department. They can pass every written test out there with flying colours, but when put to a test of common sense in every day life they fail. Make sense. Not really. But it has been proven.
Then there are people out there who struggle to get through high school exams, never get to college, but still become the smartest and most respected, well known teachers around. Why? They have common sense and learn the lessons of life with experience. Does that make them less worthy of being looked upon as a genius by society?
I have 2 teenage children. My daughter is book smart but could use some help in the common sense area at times. My son on the other hand spends hour upon hour studying only to get a b average. But yet he can do circles around his sister in the hands on department.
I had a hard time in school due to the fact I hate tests. I hated most of the subjects we had to take as well. But when allowed to research and experience what I was most interested in, I became an expert in certain areas.
What am I trying to say? Society wastes so much time in labelling things that the true meaning of what is important often gets lost. I believe we all have the potential to be genius in one thing or another. We just have to find our niche.
I have always been attracted to men who have a high iq. Throughout the relationships though I realized that it doesn't matter how smart you may be if you lack the drive and ambition to be more, or to put those smarts to the best use. There is nothing more frustrating than to know someone has such great potential and yet never lets the true intelligence be manifest. Thus, that is being stupid.
The true test of intelligence is the ability to know and use all of those powers together for a higher plane of existence. To be able to share with others your knowledge, yet know that you still can be student and teacher.
Life is one test after another. The ultimate measure of intelligence is not one that can be shown on paper. It is one that is carried and exhibited in everything we do and say each and every day. It is continual growth, the strength and courage to progress and learn as much as we can to be the best that we can. That is the only true measure of intelligence.

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