Sunday, November 13, 2005

You know in school when they ask you where you see yourself in 5 or ten years? Back then we had such high visions. Some we managed to fulfill, others we are still working on and yet others again seem to be just a dream. The main thing we must remember though is every day we have the opportunity to advance and to reach for our goals to become the best humans we can possibly be despite our obstacles. That is the true measure of success in personal development.
The following article will help you establish a strategy to better plan and implement your perfect goal towards a deeper sense of personal development.

Developing Personal Depth
Copyright 2005 Mark Myhre

Everyone seeks personal depth to one degree or another.
Personal depth stands as *the* way to add richness and
beauty to our lives.

Nobody wants to be considered a shallow person. Still,
the concept of becoming a ‘deep’ person turns many people
off. We have this image of a deep person as someone who
spends a little too much time stroking his beard and
smoking his pipe, lost in thought way beyond us mere

They ponder too much. They’re smarter than us. They go to
the opera -and actually know what the fat lady is singing
about! They’re just not normal.

Fortunately, personal depth exists as something else

Achieving greater personal depth (and not coincidently,
greater success at anything you pursue) involves taking
specific actions. You can achieve greater personal depth
starting today by working with the seven characteristics
listed below.

1. Develop and use the generating energies of trust and

Trust: Even though you don’t have all the answers, you know
you’ll get by. You’re ‘enough‘ and you know it. You can
count on yourself. You can rely on your power, strength
and talent. Whatever happens you know you can face it: you
know you’ll make it. Even though it may not be perfect,
you’ll handle the situation at hand ‘good enough’. That’s

Value: You might not be highly visible in the world, but
the role you play in life *is* highly valuable. You know
you are valuable in your way - to yourself and to those who
love you. Also, you recognize, respond and act upon your

2. Develop and use the sustaining energies of life such as
discipline and ownership.

The discipline that’s self-imposed: You decide on
something and then you *follow through*. You follow your
own plan, your own rules - that’s discipline.

Ownership: Own your thoughts and feelings. Own your
emotions. Own your failures - so you can change them. Own
that you’re responsible. And own your successes - so you
can keep them. Ownership gives you the ‘right’ to change.

3. Continuously create new meaning, new destiny, new
personality, and new self-image.

People with personal depth never settle for the way they
are. They may be satisfied, but they always seek to become
more. More meaning in their life. Higher destiny. Greater
complexity of personality. And new self-image.

4. Develop and strengthen character.

Character: By knowing your ideals and your principles, and
living by them…. by having ideas and opinions and standing
by them…. That’s how you build character and thus increase
your personal depth.

5. Continuous expansion of your power, strength,
responsibility and creativity.

You look for ways to be more powerful; to act, to get
involved in the world around you. You look for ways to take
more responsibility from the most minute to the most
magnificent. You know your strengths and look for ways to
use them. You work on expanding your creativity.
(Creativity is anything you do that inspires you or
inspires others.) Just taking a walk can be creative!

6. Sustained actualization.

You’re in touch with your thoughts and feelings, and you’re
not afraid to put them into action. You always think and
feel. You’re aware of that thinking and feeling. And you
act upon those thoughts and feelings.

7. Generating spirituality.

You don’t have to separate yourself from the mundane of
life to experience your spirituality. Rather, you seek the
spiritual *within* the material. Your spirituality
eventually becomes your number one priority.

You come to realize everything you experience is a
manifestation of your spirituality. There is no separation
between the spiritual and the living of life - that’s the
goal of the person seeking or having personal depth.


As you can see, personal depth is not something you check
off on a to-do list. Let’s see… walk the dog, take out the
trash, and oh yeah - achieve personal depth. No.

It’s an ongoing, never-ending, always-expanding endeavor.
Basically it all comes down to becoming more of yourself.

There are no limits, and that’s the good news. You can
always experience greater personal depth.

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