I have briefed upon this discussion before but it is a huge concern for me. I know everyone has grandiose ideas of what they would do if they ever got rich. I am guilty as well. Lately I have been entered in some contests that are only for certain selected individuals, with the prizes ranging from $1000- a million. There are over 4000 prizes to be won. Now I know with the lottery it is a one in a million chance. This contest is more like a one in 50,000 chance. It is funny, because with the slight change in numbers all of a sudden your brain does a little virtual dance. Odds are still stacked up against you large, being the realist that I am, I still am not too excited. Yet there is that little spot in the back of your brain that I like to call "my eternal optimist" that has been on red alert for the last week. The contest closing date is scheduled for Nov. 14th and the winner will be announced on t.v. on the 24th.
I found myself absent-mindedly circling that date on my calendar with a big flourescent pen. I don't know if I truly want to be rich though. What I would like to test though is the theory that I have, that money corrupts your brain. It has the power to turn the nicest,least selfish person into a raging, selfish jerk. So, if I won that money, would I find the strength of character to stay the me I am today? I would never know, unless I won. But what could that one reward cost me?
Remember another old saying? "Can't buy me love?" Often I wonder if love and money can truly cohabitate. When you have money can you trust in the purity of love? Or is there always a thought in the back of the head disbelieving; suspicious that the money has something to do with the emotions attached to the label of love.
I have dreams of what I would do to make my life easier if I had money. But I honestly don't think I would want to win enough money so I never had to work again.
I have always worked. I had my first paper route and babysitting jobs at the age of ten. I like to make money. I would miss it I think. Sure, going on cruises, trips around the world, would all be spectacular. But when all is said and done?
I could invest and then not have to worry about losing any income over time. Secure my future in real estate.
I could go back to school and become a criminal psychologist like I always wanted. And then what?
When you don't have to work for something to better yourself and your life, but just because you can afford to, it cripples you. You lose the meaning of self sacrifice. The accomplishment isn't so sweet. It doesn't hold the same esteem. The acheivement is taken for granted.
I don't want that life. Sure, more money than I have right now would help me extremely in this present chapter of my life. Yet I also know that as I grow and progress(even baby steps), I will have a better future than my present is now because I will not be in the same place in my life then. It will be a progression, and in a way even an ascension of growth in the spiritual and soul realm.
If I could become more and more each day into the person I know I have the potential to be, that to me is where the real riches lie.
And for the last saying: "You can't take it with you."
What good are material possessions if you die and no one knew your name. Another added thought. We make light of it on t.v shows and what not, but it isn't funny. That would be, all the people lined up to hear your will. To see how rich you were and how it benefited them. Coming back to the selfish jerk aspect of it all.
To sum it all up. I would rather die penniliess, with a room full of hearts I played an important role in caring for and meaning something to, than the richest woman in the world who leaves no legacy behind but a sign on her tombstone saying "Here lies the sucker who traded the wealth of the heart for the waste of the wanton."
There is no price for self respect, dignity, pride, generosity, and the character building of some good old fashioned hard work!
So, remember, day dreams of money are healthy. But never sell your soul to the devil over something you can't take with you when you die. Like the American Express commercials say
A university education= $80,000
Your first home= $180,000
Your life fulfilling, ever changing soul= Priceless
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